Showing posts with label statistics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label statistics. Show all posts

Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Anna Karenina bias

Russian novels and business decisions

What has the opening sentence of a 19th-century Russian novel got to do with quantitative business decisions in the 21st century? Read on and I'll tell you what the link is and why you should be aware of it when you're interpreting business data.

Anna Karenina

The novel is Leo Tolstoy's 'Anna Karenina' and the opening line is: "All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way". Here's my take on what this means. For a family to be happy, many conditions have to be met, which means that happy families are all very similar. Many things can lead to unhappiness, either on their own or in combination, which means there's more diversity in unhappy families. So how does this apply to business?

Leo Tolstoy's family
(Leo Tolstoy's family. Do you think they were happy? Image source: Wikimedia Commons. License: Public Domain)

Survivor bias

The Anna Karenina bias is a form of survivor bias, which is, in turn, a form of selection bias. Survivor bias is the bias introduced by concentrating on the survivors of some selection process and ignoring those that did not. The famous story of Wald and the bombers is, in my view, the best example of survivor bias. If Wald had focused on the surviving bombers, he would have recommended putting armor in the wrong place.

When we look at the survivors of some selection process, they will necessarily be more alike than non-survivors because of the selection process (unhappy families vs. happy families).  Let me give you an example, buying groceries on the web. Imagine a group of people surfing a grocery store. Some won't buy (unhappy families), but some will (happy families). To buy, you have to find an item you want to buy, you have to have the money, you have to want to buy now, and so on. This selection process will give a group of people who are very similar in a number of dimensions - they will exhibit less variability than the non-purchasers.

Some factors will be important to a purchaser's decision and other factors might not be. In the purchaser group, we might expect to see more variation in factors that aren't important to the buying decision and less variation in factors that are. To quote Shugan [Shugan]:

"Moreover, variables exhibiting the highest levels of variance in survivors might be unimportant for survival because all observed levels of those variables have resulted in survival. One implication is a possible inverse correlation between the importance of a variable for survival and the variable’s observed variability"

In the opinion poll world, the Anna Karenina bias rears its ugly head too. Pollsters often use robocalls to try and reach voters. To successfully record an opinion, the call has to go through, it has to be answered, and the person has to respond to the survey questions. This is a selection process. Opinion pollsters try and correct for biases, but sometimes they miss them. If the people who respond to polls exhibit less variability than the general population on some key factor (e.g. education), then the poll may be biased.

In my experience, most forms of B2C data analysis can be viewed as a selection process, and the desired outcomes of most analysis is figuring out the factors that lead to survival (in other words, what made people buy). The Anna Karenina bias warns us that some of the observed factors might be unimportant for survival and gives us a way of trying to understand which factors are relevant.

Leo Tolstoy in 1897. (Image credit: Wikipedia. Public domain image.)

The takeaways

If you're analyzing business data, here's what to be aware of:

  • Don't just focus on the survivors, you need to look at the non-survivors too.
  • Survivors will all tend to look the same - there will be less variability among survivors than among non-survivors. 
  • Survivors may look the same on many factors, only some of which may be relevant.
  • The factors that vary the most among survivors might be the least important.


[Shugan] "The Anna Karenina Bias: Which Variables to Observe?", Marketing Science, Vol. 26, No. 2, March–April 2007, pp. 145–148

Saturday, January 25, 2020

How to lie with statistics

I recently re-read Darrell Huff's classic text from 1954, 'How to lie with statistics'. In case you haven't read it, the book takes a number of deceitful statistical tricks of the trade and explains how they work and how to defend yourself from being hoodwinked. My overwhelming thought was 'plus ça change'; the more things change, the more they remain the same. The statistical tricks people used to mislead 50 years ago are still being used today.

(Image credit: Wikipedia)

Huff discusses surveys and how very common methodology flaws can produce completely misleading results. His discussion of sampling methodologies and the problems with them are clear and unfortunately, still relevant. Making your sample representative is a perennial problem as the polling for the 2016 Presidential election showed. Years ago, I was a market researcher conducting interviews on the street and Huff's bias comments rang very true with me - I faced these problems on a daily basis. In my experience, even people with a very good statistical education aren't aware of survey flaws and sources of bias.

The chapter on averages still holds up. Huff shows how the mean can be distorted and why the median might be a better choice. I've interviewed people with Master's degrees in statistics who couldn't explain why the median might be a better choice of average than the mean, so I guess there's still a need for the lesson.

One area where I think things have moved in the right direction is the decreasing use of some types of misleading charts. Huff discusses the use of images to convey quantitative information. He shows a chart where steel production was represented by images of a blast furnace (see below). The increase in production was 50%, but because the height and width were both increased, the area consumed by the images increases by 150%, giving the overall impression of a 150% increase in production1. I used to see a lot of these types of image-based charts, but their use has declined over the years. It would be nice to think Huff had some effect.

(Image credit: How to lie with statistics)

Staying with charts, his discussion about selecting axis ranges to mislead still holds true and there are numerous examples of people using this technique to mislead every day. I might write a blog post about this at some point.

He has chapters on the post hoc fallacy (confusing correlation and causation) and has a nice explanation of how percentages are regularly mishandled. His discussion of general statistical deceitfulness is clear and still relevant.

Unfortunately, the book hasn't aged very well in other aspects. 2020 readers will find his language sexist, the jokey drawings of a smoking baby are jarring, and his roundabout discussion of the Kinsey Reports feels odd. Even the writing style is out of date.

Huff himself is tainted; he was funded by the tobacco industry to speak out against smoking as a cause of cancer. He even wrote a follow-up book, How to lie with smoking statistics to debunk anti-smoking data. Unfortunately, his source of authority was the widespread success of How to lie with statistics. How to lie with smoking statistics isn't available commercially anymore, but you can read about it on Alex Reinhart's page.

Despite all its flaws, I recommend you read this book. It's a quick read and it'll give you a grounding in many of the problems of statistical analysis. If you're a business person, I strongly recommend it - its lessons about cautiously interpreting analysis still hold.

This is a flawed book by a flawed author but it still has a lot of value. I couldn't help thinking that the time is probably right for a new popular book on how people are lying and misleading you using charts and statistics.


[1] Colin Warwick pointed out an error in my original text. My original text stated the height and width of the second chart increased by 50%. That's not quite what Huff said. I've corrected my post.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Correlation does not imply causation

Correlation is not causation

Because they’ve misunderstood one of the main rules of statistical evidence, I’ve seen people make serious business mistakes and damage their careers. The rule is a simple, but subtle one: correlation is not causation. I’m going to explain what this means and show you cases where it’s obviously true, and some cases where it’s less obvious. Let’s start with some definitions.

Clearly, causation means one thing causes another. For example, prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light causes sunburn, the Vibrio cholerae bacteria causes cholera, and recessions cause bankruptcies. 

What is correlation?

Correlation occurs when two things vary in the same way. For example, lung cancer rates vary with the level of smoking, commuting times vary with the state of the economy, and health and longevity are correlated with income and wealth. The relationship usually becomes clear when we plot the data out, but it’s very rarely perfect. To give you a sense of what I mean, I’ve taken the relationship between brain mass and body mass in mammals and plotted the data below, each dot is a different type of mammal [Rogel-Salazar].

The straight line on the chart is a fit to the data. As you can see, there’s a relationship between brain and body mass but the dots are spread. 

We measure how well two things are correlated with something called the correlation coefficient, r.  The closer r is to 1 (or -1), the better the correlation (this is a gross simplification). I typically look for r to be 0.8 (or < -0.8) or better.  For the brain and body data above, r is 0.89, so the correlation is ‘good’.

For causation to exist, to say that A causes B, we must be able to observe the correlation between A and B. If sunscreen is effective at reducing sunburn we should observe increased sunscreen use leading to reduced sunburn. However, we need more than correlation to prove causation (I’m skipping over details to keep it simple). 

Correlations does not imply causation

Here’s the important bit: correlation does not imply causation. Just because two things are correlated does not imply that one causes the other. Two things could be very well correlated and there could be no causal relationship between them at all. There could be a confounding factor that causes both variables to move in the same way. In my view, misunderstanding this is the single biggest problem in data analysis. 

The excellent website Spurious Correlations shows the problem in a fun way, I’ve adapted an example from the website to illustrate my point. Here are two variables I've shown varying with time. 

(Image credit: Spurious Correlations)

Imagine one of the variables was sales revenue and the other was the number of hours of sales effort. The correlation between them is very high (r=0.998). Would you say the amount of sales effort causes the sales revenue? If sales revenue was important to you, would you invest in more sales hours? If I presented this evidence to you in an executive meeting, what would you say?

Actually, I lied to you. The red line is US spending on science, space, and technology and the black line is suicides by hanging, strangulation, and suffocation. How can these things be related to each other? Because there’s some other variable or variables both of them depend on, or frankly, just by chance. Think for a minute what happens as an economy grows, all kinds of expenditure goes up; sales of expensive wine go up, and people spend more on their houses. Does that mean sales of expensive wine cause people to spend more on houses? 

(On the spurious correlations website there are a whole bunch of other examples, including: divorce rates in Maine correlated with per capita consumption of margarine, total revenue generated by arcades is correlated with the age of Miss America, and letters in the winning word of the Scripps National Spelling Bee are correlated with number of people killed by venomous spiders.)

The chart below shows the relationship between stork pairs and human births for several European locations 1980-1990 [Matthews]. Note r is high at 0.85.

Is this evidence that storks deliver babies? No. Remember correlation is not causation. There could well be many confounding variables here, for example, economic growth leading to more leisure time. Just because we don’t know what the confounding factors are doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

My other (possibly apocryphal) example concerns lice. In Europe in the middle ages, lice were considered beneficial (especially for children) because sick people didn’t have as many lice [Zinsser]. Technically, this type of causation mistake is known as the post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy if you want to look it up.

Correlation/causation offenders

The causation/correlation problem often rears its ugly head in sales and marketing. Here are two examples I’ve seen, with the details disguised to protect the guilty.

I’ve seen a business analyst present the results of detailed sales data modeling and make recommendations for change based on the correlation/causation confusion. The sales data set was huge and they’d found a large number of correlations in the data (with good r values). They concluded that these correlations were causation, for example, in area X sales scaled with the number of sales reps and they concluded that more reps = more sales. They made a series of recommendations based on their findings. Unfortunately, most of the relationships they found were spurious and most of their recommendations and forecasts were later found to be wrong. The problem was, there were other factors at play that they hadn’t accounted for. It doesn’t matter how complicated the model or how many hours someone has put in, the same rule applies; correlation does not imply causation.

The biggest career blunder I saw was a marketing person claiming that visits to the company website were driving all company revenue, I remember them talking about the correlation and making the causation claim to get more resources for their group. Unfortunately, later on, revenue went down for reasons (genuinely) unrelated to the website. The website wasn’t driving all revenue - it was just one of a number of factors, including the economy and the product. However, their claim to be driving all revenue wasn’t forgotten by the executive team and the marketing person paid the career price.

Here’s what I think you should take away from all this. Just because two things appear to be correlated doesn’t mean there’s causation. In business, we have to make decisions on the basis of limited evidence and that’s OK. What’s not OK is to believe there’s evidence when there isn’t - specifically to infer causation from correlation. Statistics and experience teach us humility. The UK Highway Code has some good advice here, a green light doesn’t mean go, it means ‘proceed with caution'.


[Matthews] ‘Storks Deliver Babies (p=0.008)’, Robert Matthews, Teaching Statistics. Volume 22, Number 2, Summer 2000 
[Rogel-Salazar] Rogel-Salazar, Jesus (2015): Mammals Dataset. figshare. Dataset. 
[Zinsser] ‘Rats, lice, and history’, Hans Zinsser, Transaction Publishers, London, 2008