Thursday, February 13, 2025

Why assuming independence can be very, very bad for business

Independence in probability

Why should I care about independence?

Many models in the finance industry and elsewhere assume events are independent. When this assumptions fails, catastrophic losses can occur as we saw in 2008 and 1992. The problem is, developers and data scientists assume independence because it greatly simplifies problems, but the executive team often don't know this has happened, or even worse, don't understand what it means. As a result, the company ends up being badly caught out when circumstances change and independence no longer applies.

(Sergio Boscaino from Busseto, Italy, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons)

In this post, I'm going to explain what independence is, why people assume it, and how it can go spectacularly wrong. I'll provide a some guidance for managers so they know the right questions to ask to avoid disaster. I've pushed the math to the end, so if math isn't your thing, you can leave early and still get benefit.

What is independence?

Two events are independent if the outcome of one doesn't affect the other in any way. For example, if I throw two dice, the probability of me throwing a six on the second die isn't affected in any way by what I throw on the first die. 

Here are some examples of independent events:

  • Throwing a coin and getting a head, throwing a dice and getting a two.
  • Drawing a king from a deck of cards, winning the lottery having bought a ticket.
  • Stopping at at least one red light on my way to the store, rain falling two months from now.
By contrast, some events are not independent (they're dependent):
  • Raining today and raining tomorrow. Rain today increases the chances of rain tomorrow.
  • Heavy snow today and a football match being played. Heavy snow will cause the match to be postponed.
  • Drawing a king from a deck of cards, then without replacing the card, drawing a king on the second draw.

Why people assume independence

People assume independence because the math is a lot, lot simpler. If two events are dependent, the analyst has to figure out the relationship between them, something that can be very challenging and time consuming to do. Other than knowing there's a relationship, the analyst might have no idea what it is and there may be no literature to guide them.  For example, we know that smoking increases the risk of lung cancer (and therefore a life insurance claim), so how should an actuary price that risk? If they price it too low, the insurance company will pay out too much in claims, if they price it too high, the insurance company will lose business to cheaper competitors. In the early days when the link between smoking and cancer was discovered, how could an actuary know how to model the relationship?

Sometimes, analysts assume independence because they don't know any better. If they're not savvy about probability theory, they may do a simple internet search on combining probabilities that will suggest all they have to do is multiple probabilities, which is misleading at best. I believe people are making this mistake in practice because I've interviewed candidates with MS degrees in statistics who made this kind of blunder.

Money and fear can also drive the choice to assume independence. Imagine you're an analyst. Your manager is on your back to deliver a model as soon as possible. If you assume independence, your model will be available on time and you'll get your bonus, if you don't, you won't hit your deadline and you won't get your bonus. Now imagine the bad consequences of assuming independence won't be visible for a while. What would you do?

Harder examples

Do you think the following are independent?

  • Two unrelated people in different towns defaulting on their mortgage at the same time
  • Houses in different towns suffering catastrophic damage (e.g. fire, flood, etc.)

Most of the time, these events will be independent. For example, a house burning down because of poor wiring doesn't tell you anything about the risk of a house burning down in a different town (assuming a different electrician!). But there are circumstances when the independence assumption fails:

  • A hurricane hits multiple towns at once causing widespread catastrophic damage in different insurance categories (e.g. hurricane Andrew in 1992).
  • A recession hits, causing widespread lay-offs and mortgage defaults, especially for sub-prime mortgages (2008).

Why independence fails

Prior to 1992, the insurance industry had relatively simple risk models. They assumed independence; an assumption that worked well for some time. In an average year, they knew roughly how many claims there would be for houses, cars etc. Car insurance claims were independent of house insurance claims that in turn were independent of municipal and corporate insurance claims and so on. 

When hurricane Andrew hit Florida in 1992, it  destroyed houses, cars, schools, hospitals etc. across multiple towns. The assumption of independence just wasn't true in this case. The insurance claims were sky high and bankrupted several companies. 

(Hurricane Andrew, houses destroyed in Dade County, Miami. Image from FEMA. Source:

To put it simply, the insurance computer models didn't adequately model the risk because they had independence baked in.  

Roll forward 15 years and something similar happened in the financial markets. Sub-prime mortgage lending was build on a set of assumptions, including default rates. The assumption was, mortgage defaults were independent of one another. Unfortunately, as the 2008 financial crisis hit, this was no longer valid. As more people were laid-off, the economy went down, so more people were laid-off. This was often called contagion but perhaps a better analogy is the reverse of a well known saying: "a rising tide floats all boats".

Financial Crisis Newspaper
(Image credit: Secret London 123, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

The assumption of independence simplified the analysis of sub-prime mortgages and gave the results that people wanted. The incentives weren't there to price in risk. Imagine your company was making money hand over fist and you stood up and warned people of the risks of assuming independence. Would you put your bonus and your future on the line to do so?

What to do - recommendations

Let's live in the real world and accept that assuming independence gets us to results that are usable by others quickly.

If you're a developer or a data scientist, you must understand the consequences of assuming independence and you must recognize that you're making that assumption.  You must also make it clear what you've done to your management.

If you're a manager, you must be aware that assuming independence can be dangerous but that it gets results quickly. You need to ask your development team about the assumptions they're making and when those assumptions fail. It also means accepting your role as a risk manager; that means investing in development to remove independence.

To get results quickly, it may well be necessary for an analyst to assume independence.  Once they've built the initial model (a proof of concept) and the money is coming in, then the task is to remove the independence assumption piece-by-piece. The mistake is to stop development.

The math

Let's say we have two events, A and B, with probabilities of occurring P(A) and P(B). 

If the events are independent, then the probability of them both occurring is:

\[P(A \ and \ B) = P(A  \cap B) = P(A) P(B)\]

This equation serves as both a definition of independence and test of independence as we'll see next.

Let's take two cases and see if they're independent:

  1. Rolling a dice and getting a 1 and a 2
  2. Rolling a dice and getting a (1 or 2) and (2, 4, or 6)

For case 1, here are the probabilities:
  • \(P(A) = 1/6\)
  • \(P(B) = 1/6\)
  • \(P(A  \cap B) = 0\), it's not possible to get 1 and 2 at the same time
  • \(P(A )P(B) = (1/6) * (1/6)\)
So the equation \(P(A \ and \ B) = P(A  \cap B) = P(A) P(B)\) isn't true, therefore the events are not independent.

For case 2, here are the probabilities:
  • \(P(A) = 1/3\)
  • \(P(B) = 1/2\)
  • \(P(A  \cap B) = 1/6\)
  • \(P(A )P(B) = (1/2) * (1/3)\)
So the equation is true, therefore the events are independent.

Dependence uses conditional probability, so we have this kind of relationship:
\[P(A \ and \ B) = P(A  \cap B) = P(A | B) P(B)\]
The expression \(P(A | B)\) means the probability of A given that B has occurred (e.g the probability the game is canceled given that it's snowed). There are a number of ways to approach finding \(P(A | B)\), the most popular over the last few years has been Bayes' Theorem which states:
\[P(A | B) = \frac{P(B | A) P(A)}{P(B)}\]
There's a whole methodology that goes with the Bayesian approach and I'm not going to go into it here, except to say that it's often iterative; we make an initial guess and progressively refine it in the light of new evidence. The bottom line is, this process is much, much harder and much more expensive than assuming independence. 

Monday, February 3, 2025

Using AI (LLM) to generate data science code

What AI offers data science code generation and what it doesn't

Using generative AI for coding support has become increasingly popular for good reason; the productivity gain can be very high. But what are its limits? Can you use code gen for real data science problems?

(I, for one, welcome our new AI overlords. D J Shin, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons)

To investigate, I decided to look at two cases: a 'simple' piece of code generation to build a Streamlit UI, and a technically complicated case that's more typical of data science work. I generated Python code and evaluated it for correctness, structure, and completeness. The results were illuminating, as we'll see, and I think I understand why they came out the way they did.

My setup is pretty standard, I'm using Github copilot in Microsoft Visual Studio and Github Copilot directly from the website. In both cases, I chose the Claude model (more on why later).

Case 1: "commodity" UI code generation

The goal of this experiment was to see if I could automatically generate a good enough complete multi-page Streamlit app. The app was to have multiple dialog boxes on each page and was to be runnable without further modification.

Streamlit provides a simple UI for Python programs. It's several years old and extremely popular (meaning, there are plenty of code examples in Github). I've built apps using Streamlit, so I'm familiar with it and its syntax. 

The specification

The first step was a written English specification. I wrote a one-page Word document detailing what I wanted for every page of the app. I won't reproduce it here for brevity's sake, but here's a brief except:

The second page is called “Load model”. This will allow the user to load an existing model from a file. The page will have some descriptive text on what the page does. There will be a button that allows a user to load a file. The user will only be able to load a single with a file extension “.mdl”. If the user successfully loads a model, the code will load it into a session variable that the other pages can access. The “.mdl” file will be a JSON file and the software will check that the file is valid and follows some rules. The page will tell the user if the file has been successfully loaded or if there’s an error. If there’s an error, the page will tell the user what the error is.

In practice, I had to iterate on the specification a few times to get things right, but it only a took a couple of iterations.

What I got

Code generation was very fast and the results were excellent. I was able to run the application immediately without modification and it did what I wanted it to do.

(A screen shot of part of the generated Streamlit app.)

It produced the necessary Python files, but it also produced:

  • a requirements.txt file - which was correct
  • a dummy JSON file for my data, inferred from my description
  • data validation code
  • test code

I didn't ask for any of these things, it just produced them anyway.

There were several downsides though. 

I found the VS Code interface a little awkward to use, for me the Github Copilot web page was a much better experience (except that you have to copy the code).

Slight changes to my specification sometimes caused large changes to the generated code. For example, I added a sentence asking for a new dialog box and the code generation incorrectly dropped a page from my app. 

It seemed to struggle with long "if-then" type paragraphs, for example "If the user has loaded a model ...LONG TEXT... If the user hasn't loaded a model ...LONG TEXT...".

The code was quite old-fashioned in several ways. Code generation created the app pages in a pages folder and prefixed the pages with "1_", "2_" etc. This is how the demos on the Streamlit website are structured, but it's not how I would do it, it's kind of old school and a bit limited. Notably, the code generation didn't use some of the newer features of Streamlit; on the whole it was a year or so behind the curve.

Dependency on engine

I tried this with both Claude 3.5 and GPT 4o. Unequivocally, Claude gave the best answers.


I'm convinced by code generation here. Yes, it was a little behind the times and a little awkwardly structured, but it worked and it gave me something very close to what I wanted within a few minutes.

I could have written this myself (and I have done before), but I find this kind of coding tedious and time consuming (it would have taken me a day to do what I did using code gen in an hour). 

I will be using code gen for this type of problem in the future.

Case 2: data science code generation

What about a real data science problem, how well does it perform?

I chose to use random variables and quasi-Monte Carlo as something more meaty. The problem was to create two random variables and populate them with samples drawn from a quasi-Monte Carlo "random" number generator with a normal distribution. For each variable, work out the distribution (which we know should be normal). Combine the variables with convolution to create a third variable, and plot the resulting distribution. Finally, calculate the mean and standard deviation of all three variables.

The specification

I won't show it here for brevity, but it was a slightly longer than the description I gave above. Notably, I had to iterate on it several times.

What I got

This was a real mixed bag.

My first pass code generation didn't use quasi Monte Carlo at all. It normalized the distributions before the convolution for no good reason which meant the combined result was wrong. It used a histogram for the distribution which was kind-of OK. It did generate the charts just fine though. Overall, it was the kind of work a junior data scientist might produce.

On my second pass, I told it to use Sobel' sequences and I told it to use kernel density estimation to calculate the distribution. This time it did very well. The code was nicely commented too. Really surprisingly, it used the correct way of generating sequences (using dimensions).

(After some prompting, this was my final chart, which is correct.)

Dependency on engine

I tried this with both Claude 3.5 and GPT 4o. Unequivocally, Claude gave the best answers.


I had to be much more prescriptive here to get what I wanted, but the results were good, but only because I knew to tell it to use Sobel' and I knew to tell it to use kernel density estimation. 

Again, I'm convinced that code gen works.


The model

I tried the experiment with both Claude 3.5 and GPT 4o. Claude gave much better results. Other people have reported similar experiences.

Why this works and some fundamental limitations

Github has access to a huge code base, so the LLM is based on the collective wisdom of a vast number of programmers. However, despite appearances, it has no insight; it can't go beyond what others have done. This is why the code it produced for the Streamlit demo was old-fashioned. It's also why I had to be prescriptive for my data science case, for example, it just didn't understand what quasi Monte Carlo meant without additional prompting.

AI is known to hallucinate, and we see see something of that here. You really have to know what you're doing to use AI generated code. If you blindly implement AI generated code, things are going to go badly for you very quickly.


Code generation and support is a game changer. It ramps up productivity enormously. I've heard people say, it's like having a (free) senior engineer by your side. I agree. Despite the issues I've come across, code generation works "good enough".


This has obvious implications for employment. With AI code generation and with AI coding support, you need fewer software engineers/analysts/data scientists. The people you do need are those with more insight and the ability spot where the AI generated code has gone wrong, which is bad news for for more junior people or those entering the workforce. It may well be a serious problem for students seeking internships.

Let me say this plainly: people will lose their jobs because of this technology.

My take on the employment issue and what you can do

There's an old joke that sums things up. "A householder calls in a mechanic because their washing machine had broken down. The mechanic looks at the washing machine and rocks it around a bit. Then the mechanic kicks the machine. It starts working! The mechanic writes a bill for $200. The householder explodes, '$200 to kick a washing machine, this is outrageous!'. The mechanic thinks for a second and says, 'You're quite right. Let me re-write the bill'. The new bill says 'Kicking the washing machine $1, knowing where to kick the washing machine $199'." To put it bluntly, you need to be the kind of mechanic that knows where to kick the machine.

(You've got to know where to kick it. LG전자, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons)

Code generation has no insight. It makes errors. You have to have experience and insight to know when it's gone wrong. Not all human software engineers have that insight.

You should be very concerned if:
  • You're junior in your career or you're just entering the workforce.
  • You're developing BI-type apps as the main or only thing you do.
  • There are many people doing exactly the same software development work as you.
If that applies to you, here's my advice:
  • Use code generation and code support. You need to know first hand what it can do and the threat it poses. Remember, it's a productivity boost and the least productive people are the first to go.
  • Develop domain knowledge. If your company is in the finance industry, make sure you understand finance, which means knowing the legal framework etc.. If it's a drug discovery, learn the principles of drug discovery. Get some kind of certification (online courses work fine). Apply your knowledge to your work. Make sure your employer knows it.
  • Develop specialist skills, e.g. statistics. Use those skills in your work.
  • Develop human skills. This means talking to customers, talking to people in other departments.

Some takeaways

  • AI generated code is good enough for use, even in more complicated cases.
  • It's a substantial productivity boost. You should be using it.
  • It's a tool, not a magic wand. It does get things wrong and you need to be skilled enough to spot errors.